
Gambling Templates > Sky-Crown-Online.com

Learning Center For Our Gambling Templates

The Learning Center here on FreeGamblingTemplate.com is a valuable and essential resource, designed to provide new webmasters with all the tools and information you need to get your gambling website up and running quickly and efficiently. Access to the Learning Center will save you countless hours of research and leg work, as well as the frustration of not knowing what step comes next in the process. While technology makes our lives easier in so many ways, implementing that technology can often be a confusing and complicated process, especially if you don't have anyone to walk you through the necessary steps. Remembering how challenging it was for me in the beginning as I struggled to comprehend the world wide web from a facilitator role rather than a user role, I endeavored to eliminate this stress and frustration that can be so discouraging, and to help those new to the business avoid the pitfalls and confusion that can consume you.

We will cover the fundamentals that you need to know to get your site up on the web and functioning. This includes such topics as buying your domain name, signing up for hosting, changing nameservers, how to upload the template to the server and more. Normally this would take hours of research for a novice, and we all know that time is money. To spare you all this additional time and effort, we've created this Learning Center and are confident that it will contribute greatly to a smooth implementation and transition for your new gambling website. What took me hours and hours to accomplish in my early days will only take you minutes thanks to our user friendly and concise learning center.

Please note that while we use GoDaddy as an example and recommended provider for many of these steps, you are free to choose whom you wish to use when purchasing a domain and setting up a hosting account. We like GoDaddy because of their competitive pricing, their high quality services, and the support and assistance they provide to webmasters. It is solely up to you however where you obtain these services from. Most of them operate in fairly the same way in regards to the basic fundamentals to buying domain names and establishing hosting services.

That being said as you grow in affiliate marketing, you are probably going to own many websites and you might want to consider a reseller hosting account to manage all of them. We use Godaddy since they are a household name and easy for new affiliates to indentify with. We are just going to cover this basics here, but give us a little time and we are going to get into advanced affiliate techniques that will help you make the right choices as you grow.

Learning Center Articles

How To Purchase A Domain From Godaddy

How To Signup For A Hosting Account

How To Change Nameservers At Registrar

How To Upload Your Gambling Template To The Server

How To Use Link Cloaking To Redirect Affiliate Links

How To Host Banners And Images On Your Server

Learn About Google Webmaster Tools

Learn How To Structure Your Website

Seo Basics

All Learning Articles